Category - CCA Features

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Manage notifications

You have full control over the notifications you receive Clear Crossing Academy. You can receive email notifications, mobile notifications, both email and mobile notifications, or you can turn notification off altogether.
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How CCA is organized

Almost everything you'll find in Clear Crossing Academy should look and feel similar to most other social media feeds. Posts, articles and comments are made by users, and they'll appear in a feed for you to browse on your computer or smartphone.
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Edit or change the Topics you follow

By default, you're following the Highlights in every Topic. If you want to opt into seeing everything in a Topic, click the Follow button you see on any Topics page within a Group, Course, or Main Network. If you don't want to see any activity in a particular Topic, choose to Hide Topic from the three dot menu you reach from the Topics page.
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Tag or mention another member

To tag or @mention another member in a post or comment, type in the "@" symbol and then start typing in someone's name. The system will begin to suggest results.
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Referral program: CCA ambassadors

When you share your unique personal invite link, you'll automatically get credit for the people who join because of you. The more people you refer, the faster you’ll be recognized as a CCA Ambassador.
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